See what some of the sponsors of the Social Security Expansion Act are saying

Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) – “It is time to expand Social Security, not cut it. At a time when more than half of older Americans over the age of 55 have no retirement savings, our job is to expand Social Security to make sure that everyone in this country can retire with the dignity they have earned and everyone with a disability can live with the security they need.” Click here to read the entire press release

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) – “We must not only protect our Social Security system, we must strengthen and expand it. We have to make sure that it’s actually giving retirees and their families the support they need – and the support they spent their entire lives earning. For so many retirees and their families all over my state of New York, and all over the country, Social Security is truly a matter of survival. Social Security is essential, and it’s something that I will do everything in my power to protect and strengthen.” Click here to read the entire press release

Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) – “For some, Social Security can mean the difference between being able to put food on the table or going to bed hungry. With Social Security covering less than it once did, Congress must act to strengthen it for seniors now, their children and their children’s children.” Click here to see Senator Harris’ tweet