WARNING: Social Security Scammers Are Now Posing As Police

Social Security scammers have come up with a new ploy. They’re trying to trick people by posing as the police!
According to FingerLakes1, callers claim to be from the U.S. Inspectors General Office and tell the target that they owe money to the Social Security Administration. When questioned about the authenticity of the call, the scammers offer to have local police call the person back. That’s when another scammer poses as a police officer — using the name of an actual officer taken from the duty roster. The scammers are even able to copy the police department’s phone number so the Caller ID looks legitimate.
To ensure that you don’t fall victim to fraud, the Social Security Administration has created an informative webpage providing valuable information on how to protect yourself as well as what to do if you were targeted by scammers.
The Seniors Trust is committed to helping protect Social Security and that includes providing important information to seniors on how to prevent Social Security scams. We also want to see Congress pass The Social Security Expansion Act. It will give retirees an immediate benefits increase of about $65 a month, a fair annual Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA), increased minimum benefits, and will ensure the long-term solvency of the Social Security program.