Social Security Cuts Could Loom in Near Future

Christy Bieber writes, on The Motley Fool, that in about 15 years “a dramatic and catastrophic benefit cut could happen that would cost seniors more than $16 billion per month.”
Bieber explains this is because Social Security Trust Fund “is slated to run out of money as early as 2035.”
It’s wrong to make retired Americans pay for the financial sins of a bunch of selfish politicians.
Congress should be expanding and protecting the Social Security system – not cutting it. We need The Social Security Expansion Act.
If this legislation is passed, most seniors can expect a $65 a month benefits raise, a guaranteed fair COLA, and enhanced benefits.
There must be no benefit cuts. Congress must act before it’s too late. Signing our petition is a helpful and important way to call on our elected representatives to pass desperately needed legislation.