
No Family Feud Here – America Shows Unanimous Support for Social Security Improvements

Image by neo tam from Pixabay

The Seniors Trust mission is to call on Congress to pass The Social Security Expansion Act. Part of our arsenal is a series of nationwide surveys in which seniors have made their voices loud and clear with unanimous support for this landmark piece of legislation.

When asked whether Congress should pass The Social Security Expansion Act which expands benefits and protects the financial security of retired Americans, an astonishing 100% of people surveyed said “YES”.

Digging deeper, 96% said they support efforts in Congress to expand Social Security benefits for all eligible senior citizens living in the U.S. Additionally, 99% of respondents said Congress should pass The Social Security Expansion Act, which gives seniors a $65 monthly benefits increase and guaranteed annual COLA.

What’s your opinion on the matter? Send us a message!