
Listen Up! Here are the Top 12 Retirement Podcasts

senior woman listening with headphones
Photo by cottonbro studio

Podcasts are becoming increasingly popular, with topics covering almost every subject under the sun. While many are for pleasure, there are tons of informative podcasts available for download. For those looking to learn more about retirement, you’re in luck. The Money team from U.S. News & World Report put on their listening ears and came up with a list of the 12 best retirement podcasts. Each is unique but common topics tend to range from investing and budgeting to healthcare and lifestyle matters, such as travel, hobbies, and relationships.  

The Seniors Trust wants to improve seniors’ financial and personal well-being. This can be done through passage of the Social Security Expansion Act. This landmark piece of legislation will increase benefits, create a strong and long-lasting Trust Fund, and guarantee every retired worker receives adequate Social Security benefits and a fair Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA).