Almost Three Out of Every Four Adults Worry About This One Thing

We grew up with the belief that throughout our working days, we pay into Social Security, and the program will pay out benefits when we retire. But with the Social Security trust fund expected to reach a deficit level in less than 10 years, many people are having serious doubts. CNBC says a recent survey found that 72 percent of American adults worry Social Security will run out of funding during their lifetimes. Even worse, 23 percent of those surveyed say they do not expect to receive “even a dime” from Social Security.
That is simply unacceptable! Lawmakers need to act now to save Social Security. We at The Seniors Trust firmly believe the way to do that is by enacting the Social Security Expansion Act. This landmark piece of legislation seeks to reform Social Security by expanding and strengthening benefits proven to reduce senior poverty and improve retirement security, as well as extending the solvency of this crucial program for generations to come.