
Weather Alert – What the Social Security Administration is Doing to Protect Patrons from Extreme Temperatures

Image by Miroslaw i Joanna Bucholc from Pixabay

Waiting in line at the Social Security Administration (SSA) office is miserable, especially during times of extreme weather. According to CNBC, concerns over patrons being forced to wait hours outside in extreme heat this past summer prompted lawmakers to write the agency asking it to take action to resolve the safety situation at field offices. As a response, Social Security is working to reduce in-person wait times as well as better protect people from weather conditions.

Some of the biggest improvements included providing access to bathrooms, water fountains and, in some cases, fans and outdoor canopies. The agency is also rearranged its waiting areas to allow more people to access its air-conditioned offices. It also expanded the use of mobile check-ins for appointments to allow people to wait in their cars or other places nearby.

While these safety measures were enacted during the summer, many of them will also be relevant as temperatures drop this winter, especially the opportunity to stay out of the cold or snow and wait in your car until it is your turn.  

The Seniors Trust is committed to helping protect Social Security recipients. One of the ways we are doing that is by urging Congress to pass The Social Security Expansion Act. It will give retirees an immediate benefits increase of about $200 a month, a fair annual COLA, increased minimum benefits, and will ensure the long-term solvency of the Social Security program.