An Opportunity of a Lifetime

It’s not too often a bill comes around that’s life-changing but, right now, we have the opportunity to pass one such bill.
The Social Security Expansion Act is like no other piece of legislation. It guarantees seniors:
A $65 a month benefits raise
A fair COLA that keeps up with inflation
Increased minimum benefits which provide higher payments to seniors
Enhanced benefits that ensure the long-term solvency of the Social Security program
Unfortunately, career politicians and bureaucrats in Washington would love to stop this legislation.
That’s why we launched our legislative campaign to pass The Social Security Expansion Act. Please CLICK HERE to sign our petition to Congress calling on them to pass this desperately needed piece of legislation.
We need the help of everyone cares about getting the seniors the enhanced benefits they earned. So please share our petition on Twitter and Facebook with your friends and family. There’s no way we can do this without the support of as many concerned citizens as possible.