Social Security Recipients Might be Eligible for Meal Assistance

If you receive Social Security retirement benefits, you might also be eligible to receive healthy meals and other nutrition services through the national Senior Nutrition Program. According to Social Security Matters, a blog produced by the Social Security Administration, senior nutrition programs serve almost one million meals to people age 60 and older each day.
In addition to provide healthy meals, the program also offers services to teach you how to create a healthy eating plan. You can learn about healthy food recommendations based on your age, unique needs, and preferences. Senior nutrition programs can also connect you with other important resources such as transportation and housekeeping.
The Seniors Trust is committed to improving the financial well-being of America’s retirees through passage of The Social Security Expansion Act. It will give retirees an immediate benefits increase of about $200 a month, a fair annual cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) and increased minimum benefits.