VIDEO: Social Security Basics Explained

Social Security plays a big part in most people’s retirement plans. But how much do you really know about how this program works? According to The Motley Fool, in a nutshell, “Social Security is a government program that collects taxes from working Americans and distributes these funds to qualifying disabled workers, retirees, and their families to help them remain financially secure.”
That sounds simple enough, yet many people get confused about its various programs and who qualifies for what. Fortunately, the retirement experts at The Motley Fool were able to break it down into easy-to-understand terms and explain it all in a short video. It’s well worth watching, even if you don’t have questions or concerns.
The Seniors Trust is working diligently to protect Social Security. We feel the best way to do this is through passage of the Social Security Expansion Act. This landmark bill will buttress the long-term solvency of Social Security by expanding benefits for seniors — not cutting them!