
The List of Best Cities for Retirees Has Been Revealed

Image by pasja1000 from Pixabay

Deciding where to live during retirement is a difficult decision to make. While quality of life is certainly important, the cost of living should also weigh heavily in your choice. Fortunately, Forbes has done the digging and come up with its list of the top 25 cities for retirees.

Researchers compared nearly 800 communities across the country taking into consideration everything from housing costs and taxes to the availability of medical care, climate change, and crime. With 3.2 million Baby Boomers joining the ranks of the retired this past year, this list offers some super suggestions on affordable cities that offer older Americans a great quality of life for their golden years.

The Seniors Trust is working to defend the financial security of America’s senior citizens by protecting and expanding Social Security retirement benefits. Our mission is to pass the Social Security Expansion Act which would expand and strengthen benefits proven to reduce senior poverty and improve retirement security and also extend the solvency of this critical program.