COVID in the Wild – Why Even Animals Are Susceptible to the Virus

Ahhh! The great outdoors. Everyone thought spending time in nature — away from crowds — was a safe space where you did not need to worry about contracting COVID-19. But that might not be true. According to an article in HealthDay, researchers have discovered that white-tailed deer can shed and transmit the COVID-19 virus for up to five days after they’re infected.
And there have been cases of the virus spreading from animals to people. While there is no evidence yet that people have caught COVID-19 from deer, some experts are concerned hunters could get the virus from infected deer. So, maybe it’s time for hunters to stock up on camouflage face masks.
The Seniors Trust is committed to improving the lives of seniors by working to improve Social Security. It wants to see Congress pass the Social Security Expansion Act. This landmark piece of legislation will provide bigger monthly Social Security benefits, establish a more realistic cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) for seniors, and guarantee the long-term solvency of the Social Security program.