Survey Shows It’s Time to Change Social Security

When it comes to legislation, there are very few things that garner unanimous support. There always seems to be one faction that opposes the issue. But, when it comes to Social Security, a recent poll shows that everyone agrees it’s time for a change. Voters say Congress must act to expand and strengthen our Social Security program.
A survey by The Seniors Trust found overwhelming support for The Social Security Expansion Act. When asked: “Should Congress pass The Social Security Expansion Act which expands benefits and protects the financial security of retired Americans?”, a full 100% of respondents voted YES.
If passed, this legislation will make four major changes to Social Security for retirees:
• Benefits will be increased for most recipients by about $65 per month.
• The Consumer Price Index for the Elderly (CPI-E) will be used to calculate Social Security Cost-of-Living Adjustments (COLAs) instead of the Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners (CPI-W) used currently. The CPI-E takes the unique spending habits of seniors into account — particularly regarding the cost of healthcare — and offers a more realistic COLA for retirees.
• Increase minimum Social Security benefits to provide higher payments to seniors and greatly reduce senior poverty.
• Provide enhanced benefits would be set to greatly reduce senior poverty to guarantee the long-term solvency of the Social Security program.
The Seniors Trust is working to pass The Social Security Expansion Act. Please, sign our petition to Congress and join us as we strive to improve the lives of senior citizens.