How Social Security Calculators Can Help You Plan for the Future
By now, you’ve likely heard the news that the Social Security trust fund could be depleted by 2035. If Congress doesn’t take action, recipients may only receive 80% of their benefits. Obviously, this is a huge concern for the millions of retired Americans currently collecting Social Security, as well as anyone that will be retiring at that time. If you are like the 70% of people – across all generations – worried Social Security will run out during your lifetime, CNBC suggests you use a Social Security calculator to figure out what your benefit check would look like if those cuts are made. Financial advisers say it’s important to stress test your retirement plan to see how you will fare financially should the trust fund run dry.
The Seniors Trust firmly believes the Social Security Expansion Act is the solution. This landmark piece of legislation will extend Social Security solvency until 2096. Please show your support by signing our petition to Congress.